haha...tjuk post laila ary ni BFF..agk2 korng la (my beloved follower),ap yg dimksudkn dgn BFF???not bf ok,hehe...yup,'BFF'~Best Friend Forever...,or Big Fat Friends,hahahaha...grau je...yeah,BFF is so meaningful fr me..u all,i dnt know..hehehe,i hpe u all also love ur BFF....rght??BFF~someone who is always there for you...will take the blame for you just because rarely get into fights...if you have one it lasts literally 5 minutes....someone who can cheer you up when all seems hopeless....the one person you question why your friends with because when your together you both act weird and crazy and insane...HAHA,hpe not us...the person you never get sick of seeing and can spend like a month together and still not want to part...someone who you have a million inside jokes with and basically every sentence you say you crack up because an inside joke comes up...rght??the person you know will never stab you in the back or talk about you badly or hurt you in any way...honest+kind=truely friendship.....kui3...the one who is with you through thick and thin or when your between a rock and a hard place....lke what had happen to my friend,his father passed away..huhu,There is so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BFF~bla3.............too much,emm..my best friends will follow all of this,haha..cnfident2,sure la...
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yes!!i love you... |
cba korng fkir,klau la jnis yg bkn friendly..agk2,ad BFF x???the answer is yes!!!even dyorng bkn jnis yg friendly,sure ad kwan...rght??so,tu la function Allah jdikn mnusia yg kdng2 over friendly...haha,xslah ...FRIENDLY+UNFRIENDLY=FRIENDSHIP.....ad ke???hntam je la...mybe ad,.kua3.....BFF and FRIENDSHIP,mksd yg brbeza..tp komtmen yg srupa,btul x??bg laila,truely friendship ble jujur+baik hati+percaya+ad tme laila(ssah n senang)bt nt fr 24 hours..haha,cnfim2 la ad komtmen lain an??hehe...yg plng pntng JUJUR oke...so,kpda smua follower laila yg bc post ni..hpe korng hargai la ur BFF,xkre la only 'friend'...bkn status as best friends...bt stil friends rght,yg ad hti ad perasaan...kna hrgai...memg la,rmai yg kte kwan je pn bkn family...bt remember,mgkn kwan tu la yg akn ad dgn korng smua tme korng susah...REMEMBER!!!It is most important to have one true best friend than have thousands of fake friends!!
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mcm ni la laila and BFF..hahahha |
smpai sni je,post kli ni...hpe korng renung2kn,hehe...
bt bkn renung ske2,ambl yg mna baik...insyaallah,BFF dnia dn akhirat...
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love you all..